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We’re rounding out 2019 strong! Let’s jump right in.

What’s New

  • 800+ Telegram members
  • Top of IDEX volume
  • Radar Relay and Bidesk Listing
  • Coinmarket Cap and CoinGecko listing
  • Tellor on Delta Direct
  • ADO EIP Draft
  • 101 Article
  • Unitalk AMA (Chinese community)

What’s Happening

This month has all been about volume. We saw a couple hundred new members join our telegram and many new Twitter followers. We saw a lot of activity in the market and actually hit #1 volume on IDEX a couple weeks ago. Speaking of exchanges, we were really happy to announce recently that we got listed on Radar Relay, opening up an avenue for US customers to trade TRB — being a US based company this was nice to see. And for those who prefer centralized exchanges, we were listed with a newer exchange, Bidesk.

Other milestones for us were a listing on Coinmarket Cap and CoinGecko. I know many of you were eager to see this happen, as this is usually one of the first places people look when researching crypto projects. We also heard your requests for joining Delta Direct and Blockfolio Signal — we are now on Delta Direct and are Blockfolio is processing our request.

On the content front, we’ve published two new articles “We, the Blockchain,” an essay by our CTO, Nick Fett, on the subject of the nature of purpose and community in blockchain projects. Also we published a short and sweet Tellor 101 piece — this is a great thing to share around to anyone new!

In the media, we had a video interview published on linkedin featuring Nick on the Axes and Eggs show: Watch Now . And we also did our first AMA with the Chinese crypto community over at Unitalk.

Lastly, Tellor along with the Alliance of Decentralized Oracles (ADO), have posted our EIP for a standard interface for pull oracles for pricing/numeric data, this will help enable different oracle implementations to be interchangeable and lead to increased security for customers.

Coming Up

The main thing we’re doing in December is building out integrations for future partners and continuing to create a better system for users and future use cases. As for tangible events though, on Dec 12th, Nick will be hosting a fireside chat on crypto and the revolution here in DC, so stop on by if you can. That same night, Brenda will also be speaking with Binance at the Cosmos meeting in San Francisco about our future plans on different chains. And keep an eye out for our “Year-in-Review” article we will be pushing out in a few days.

Enjoy your holiday season and can’t wait to see what the new year brings for Tellor!