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Tellor360 is now live on Polygon’s mainnet! We’ve selected Polygon as our first mainnet in production that 360 is live on, and we couldn’t be more excited to announce to the world that they can now start using it!

Tellor360 is the only truly decentralized and immutable oracle solution on Polygon. If you’re a developer and you need oracle data for your Polygon smart contracts, we want to hear from you! Test contracts are available on Polygon’s Mumbai testnet using TRB migrated from the Tellor Goerli Playground.

Most notably, this upgraded version of Tellor for Polygon will include a minimum stake amount, which provides a dynamic security that can increase as the price of TRB increases, but also provides a guarantee for users that security won’t drop below a certain dollar amount. For a more complete breakdown on Tellor360, read more here.

The Tellor devs are still hard at work preparing the upgrade to Tellor360 for mainnet. Because the Rinkeby test network has been deprecated we’re working on recreating the history of Tellor upgrades on Goerli Ethereum Testnet for an exact mock upgrade. At this time, we expect that the vote for Tellor360 will be live on mainnet around the end of October.

*If you’re reading this and you hold TRB, please consider moving your tokens off centralized exchanges in advance of the Tellor360 proposal so that you will be able to help us vote it in!

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